Do Your Employees Need a Wellness Holiday? (SPOILER: They Do!)

wellness retreat india Employee well being has emerged to be a big part of the conversations today. And rightly so! As employers, it's their duty to ensure the people working winder them remain happy, healthy and motivated. This is important just as much for the collective efficiency and productivity of the organization as it is for the individual workers. So, when was the last time you had a day-night outing with your employees? When was the last time you took the team on a wellness holiday in India ? Keep The Productivity High There's a reason why companies are adopting the 4-day workweek policy; why top brands provide more perks to the employees; why offices feel more like home now than a boring office. It's well established that the happier the employees are, the better they perform at work. They are more productive, honest and loyal towards the employer. This, in turn, builds a company's culture, which further fuels its growth and sustain...